Urgent action needed TODAY!

Tell Your State Representative to Vote for Conservative Derek Merrin TODAY!
10 Seconds to Action!
House Vote Expected TODAY!
The Kasich-Led Democrat/RINO’s are executing a Coup on the Ohio Republican Party hoping you will not notice! Outgoing Ohio Republican Party Chairman and Union operative Bob Paduchik and the John Kasich led Democrat/RINO’s are trying to take control of the Ohio House on Tuesday, Jan 3,2023 by ousting Conservative Derek Merrin from the Speaker’s role in favor of Jason Stephens – with the help of 30 votes from Democrats. If these RINOS succeed in joining with the Democrats to steal the House leadership BILLIONS of our tax dollars will be used to fund Democrat Communist Priorities and employ Leftist Republican Operatives in our State Government!
Click here to read details and urge your state representative to vote FOR Derek Merrin.
Contact your state representative & please spread the word via email, text, social media and any other way.
Cincinnati Right to Life is a founding member of the RTLACO. The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio foundational principle is to safeguard the inalienable right to life – with the recognition of personhood, from conception until natural death, with no exceptions.