Financial contributions are gifts that propel CRTL's tireless work protecting God's precious creation of life, from womb to tomb in Ohio and beyond. The mission to defeat the culture of death requires a sustainable partnership. Investments towards this mission are critical.

Financial contributions that go directly to promoting the culture of life:

$100,000 to staff the ultrasound van with sonographers

$40,000 television and digital commercials promoting life

$20,000 keeps our facility and staff operating

$10,000 publication and distribution of the quarterly newsletter

$5,000 website and database maintenance

$2,000 training and managing sidewalk counselors outside PP

$1,000 speaker for an educational event in our community

$500 production and posting of a billboard for one week

$100 printing of pro-life materials

Donate Below to a Specific Part of Our Mission

Ways To Give

  • Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati

    Donations to Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati support efforts to lobby for pro-life laws, to work against pro-death legislation, and to influence government policy. In a Post Roe world, we have to reset our worldview on life, and we must work harder than ever to maintain pro-life laws at every level of government. The school board is just as important as our congressmen, senators, and even our president.

  • Educational Foundation

    Donations to the Cincinnati Right to Life Educational Foundation support our pro-life educational programs, communications, and services. In a post Roe world, there are things we must do to continue to protect life.

    This fund is a 501c3 and is tax deductible. 

  • Political Action Committee

    The Cincinnati Right to Life Political Action Committee exists to inform the public of pro-life candidates and issues during elections. In a post Roe world, our elected officials at every level of government are of the greatest importance.

Donate Today and Help Save Babies Lives