The pro-life movement is, and always will be, a grassroots effort that requires activism at the local level.
Become an activist today!
On the Streets . . .
Blessing Bags
Cincinnati Right to Life has Blessing Bags and literature available in our office for those who wish to hand out information to women entering Planned Parenthood. The materials are free of charge. Please contact our office for further information.

40 Days for Life
The most successful activism by far has been through the organized 40 Days for Life campaigns all over the world. There are two 40 Days for Life campaigns in Cincinnati - one during Lent and one each fall.
The Fall 2024 campaign takes place from September 25th - November 3rd in front of Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio on Auburn Avenue in Clifton. To sign up, click here.
Cemetery of the Innocents
Church and community groups can also borrow white crosses to put up a Cemetery of the Innocents memorial display. The crosses are a poignant reminder of abortion's toll on our country. Cincinnati Right to Life has a set of crosses available to borrow. See this information sheet for more information.
Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Sidewalk Advocates for Life trains people to stand outside abortion facilities and minister to women in a loving and life-affirming way. You can learn more about this national group here. If you are interested in being connected with a local leader, please contact the Cincinnati Right to Life office directly.
Furthermore, there is a group from Cincinnati Right to Life deployed in front of Planned Parenthood. We need additional support and invite you to join us. Please contact us at
In the Legislature . . .
It is critical that we pass more pro-life laws and keep pro-death forces out of our legislature.
Contact your State Rep: Ohio House of Representatives
Contact your State Senator: Ohio Senate
At Home . . .

Place a Choose Life sign in your yard. Signs are available at our office. There is no cost for them, although a donation is appreciated. Please call ahead to check availability.
Be bold! Wear the Precious Baby Feet pin as a sign to all that you are a defender of life and can help anyone in need of a safe haven. You can purchase them here. Or, contact our office directly.
Place bumper stickers on your car, put up yard signs, wear pro-life gear, and the like to let everyone know you stand for life!
Our personal witness is as crucial as any other activism.