Membership 2024
January, 2024
As of December 7, 2023, the right to abortion in Ohio through all nine months of pregnancy has been enshrined into Ohio’s Constitution. This is the harsh, tragic reality of the world in which we live.
It is in a slight state of disbelief and denial, that Cincinnati Right to Life sends our 2024 Membership invitation. But it is with a sense of determination and fortitude, and of course with complete trust in the Lord, that we invite you to join us in continuing the battle to defend human life as sacred and God-given. Each life made in His image. Each life is created equal.
There is of course incredibly hard work to do in the coming months and years ahead. Cincinnati Right to Life is here for it. Our foundation was built by giants, Dr. Willke and his wife Barbara. They never wavered, and the organization they founded will not either. So here we go, and we NEED you and thousands of others. Our 50 years of experience is our compass.
“Abortion has become the greatest destroyer of peace, because it destroys two lives, the life of the child and the conscience of the mother… How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love, and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts.” -Mother Teresa
Along with the Willkes, respected colleague and pro-life co-worker, St. Teresa of Calcutta, the world-renowned warrior of defending the dignity of life in the womb, should be our example in Ohio as we carry on with the work ahead. In December of 2019, having spent three days of praying and working alongside Mother Teresa’s tomb in Calcutta, India during a trip to this impoverished nation, a sense of unwavering determination for defending the pre-born grew more certain. It is this certainty that provides guidance in knowing God is with us completely and totally as we carry on with a mission that is His. A mission to chart a post-issue 1 course for Ohio.
Abortion is murder in the womb…A child is a gift of God. -Mother Teresa
Cincinnati Right to Life has three main tenants of our life-defending mission, allowing us to pronounce the defense of the human person, born and pre-born, in Southwest Ohio and beyond. It is with faith and trust and our fifty-years of experience, combined with ideas and energy for our future work, that we will continue to pronounce life, even with full-term abortion legalized and enshrined in Ohio.
Our organization has plans to grow and succeed in this post-Roe, post-Issue 1 world. Counting on each supporter, each member to take part in the God-given mission of pronouncing life, even in these dark times, will allow our dedication to remain.
“Any country that accepts abortion is the poorest of the poor.” -Mother Teresa
Cincinnati Right to Life will not accept that Ohio’s abortion enshrinement will drown out the voice for life.
Your membership will include access to members-only content, quarterly newsletters, and exclusive invitations. Your membership will allow Cincinnati Right to Life to remain the unwavering voice for life in Southwest Ohio and beyond.
We know for certainty that our work makes a difference. We want you to know your generosity and support make a difference. We thank you in advance for your membership.
Laura Strietmann, Executive Director
To become a member, please click on printable form below, fill out and return with payment to: Cincinnati Right to Life, 1802 W. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45239. If you would prefer to join online, please visit our DONATE page and be sure to indicate “Membership” in the comment section.