We are humbled! A successful Evening for Life!

We are Humbled

Thank you to the pro-life community who supported our Golden Anniversary Evening for Life!

On Thursday evening Cincinnati Right to Life celebrated our Golden Anniversary with a sell out crowd of over 700 friends and supporters. 50 years ago, in April of 1973, just 3 months after Roe v Wade enshrined abortion up to birth into our Federal Constitution, Dr. Willke, his wife Barbara, and some others planted the pro-life seed of Cincinnati Right to Life. Our organization would go on to be the catalyst for all the other pro-life groups around the world. We stand on the shoulders of giants.

50 years later, could it have even been imagined that Roe would be overturned, and in the post-Roe era, Ohio, the founding spot of the pro-life movement, would be fighting against abortion up to birth being enshrined into our state Constitution?

We took the moment at the Sharonville Convention Center with Annie Mitchell from the Son Rise morning show as emcee, to honor our legacy and to only look back briefly. We have WAY too much to look forward to and way too much work to do, especially in the next two and a half weeks.

The night kicked off with an opening concert from Mike Donehey, lead singer of 10th Avenue North and a friend of Dr. Willke. The crowd sang as the top recording artist shared his connection to our founder. At the end of the evening we also received a performance from Mike as he shared his God-filled, inspired music. What a gift!

Each speaker in our incredible line-up presented a unique perspective, but an inspired and unified tone of God’s calling on our lives to defend the defenseless.

Mark Houck, the acquitted sidewalk prayer warrior delivered a holy presentation while giving us a strong warning of what is to come in America if we do not stand for truth, values and morals in our lives and at the voting booth. He shared the inspired words of Fulton Sheen, “First we overlook evil, then we permit evil, then we legalize evil, then we promote evil, then we celebrate evil, then we persecute those who still call it evil. Evil may have its hour, but God will have His day.”

Dr. John Bruchalski, a man of God, husband, father and OB/GYN shared his conversion from performing third trimester abortions to a physician who only practices life-affirming medicine. Dr. Willke was a friend and inspiration to Dr. John and played a role in his conversion. Third trimester abortions are real and happen for any reason. He thanked the room for praying for people involved in the abortion industry because he knows the prayers are what caused him to stop executing and dismembering preborn people.

Rebecca Kiesling, a mom, attorney from Michigan and founder of Save the 1, an organization honoring and assisting people conceived in rape. She reminded us through her own witness of being conceived in rape, that, “A baby is not the worst thing which can happen to a rape victim — an abortion is.” Her strong witness warned us what is to come in Ohio, using the tragedy for life in Michigan that is unfolding in our northern border state.

As we continue to work 24/7 through November 7, it was an honor
to be with our closest friends and supporters on Thursday.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your
generous support and prayers!

VOTE NO on ISSUE 1 November 7!