Pro-life stories are not one-size-fits-all
Three beautiful women, all defend the sanctity of the preborn and all have a unique journey to their passion for the mission of defending life. Our February 4th, A Pro-Life Gathering for HER, is a first of its kind event in Cincinnati and is timely with the 50th anniversary of Roe and the culture of life being rebuilt in this post-Roe era.
Kelly Lester’s story is riveting and heart-jerking as she shares her path from an abortion clinic worker to wife, mom and advocate against the abortion industry with legislators and ladies across America. The daughter of a preacher, her journey is one of redemption and faith with deep Christian roots. Kelly is a top-five pro-life speaker for 2022 and her story will leave a mark on your heart.
Mother Seraphina is a locally known Sister who runs Covington’s Rose Garden Mission and cares for women in her center, as well as reaching out to neighbors in their community. Mother is a constant prayer warrior in front of Cincinnati’s last pre-born child killing facility in Clifton and there is no doubt her presence, as well as the other Sisters in her community, saves lives.
Maria Dunlap is a faith-filled, fiery, and funny local mom of seven beautiful children that keep her on her toes. Maria and her husband Rod lost their first-born daughter to a health complication. The loss of Vivian sparked their hearts to serve families making decisions about fetal health discoveries as well as health problems after birth. You will be inspired when you learn of God’s work for the cause of LIFE through this family.
Defending life and standing up for the gift of humanity is truly not one-size-fits-all. Wherever the Lord puts us, our unique states in life, and in our own circumstances we need to be prepared to speak the beauty of life.
The witness of our three guests will warm and rivet the hearts of all attending. We hope to see you on February 4th at St. Susanna. The morning begins with Mass (please join us even if you are not Catholic, or come at 9 when Mass concludes) and includes coffee, lunch, prayer and an opportunity to hear more about pro-life organizations in our region. Event will conclude by 1:30 p.m.