Less than 1 in 4 Ohioans Polled said Abortion “Should Always be Permitted”
— But a large majority supported voting “Yes” on Issue 1 in a Baldwin Wallace University-Sponsored online poll released this week.
How can this apparent disconnect be explained?
One need only read the actual question as it was read by those polled to arrive at the answer.
The Plain Dealer and all Ohio news media outlets did not provide the polled question as it was put before those polled to their subscribers/readers/viewers. However, those very few in the electorate receiving this email message will see that the poll question is the following:
“Q10: Issue 1 is an amendment to the Ohio Constitution which would protect the right to reproductive freedom, including “access to contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion.” The amendment would also allow the state to prohibit abortion after fetal viability, unless “it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.” If the election was held today, how would you vote on Issue 1?”
As you know, that drafted-intentionally-to-deceive ACLU/Planned Parenthood-sponsored amendment language mirrored in the polled question above will not be on the summary ballot Issue 1 language being read now through November 7 by Ohio voters in the voting booth.
Because of public officials Secretary of State Frank LaRose, State Senator Theresa Gavarone (R-2), and all Republican majority members on the Ohio Ballot Board, the Issue 1 summary language (as approved by the Ohio Supreme Court) that voters are now reading in the ballot booth will not contain the outrageously despicable attempt to use wholly deceptive language on a proposed Constitutional amendment as supported by U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and all Ohio Democrat-elected officials.
What virtually all reading/watching Ohio news media’s generally skewed coverage of Issue 1 will find is primarily that the large majority of voters will approve Issue 1 based on this [phony] poll.
The poll is designed to discourage pro-life and moderate voter turnout — a familiar ploy in polling by institutions on the Left of the political spectrum — such as BWU.
Don’t believe the pro-abortion, pro-Issue 1 East Coast conglomerate-owned Ohio news media special forces operatives of Planned Parenthood. Keep or start participating in the pro-life community’s very good ground game opposing Issue 1 to prove these [phony] poll results are wrong. There are three weeks left to do that — and it’s achievable if you participate.
Following are a more accurate few words selected from an overall misleading Plain Dealer news story published today on the otherwise designed-to-mislead BWU-sponsored poll:
The poll asked respondents which category most closely reflected their views on abortion:
-24.1% said it should always be permitted;
-30.4% said it should be permitted with limitations;
-30.2% said it should be illegal except in cases of rape or to save the woman’s life;
-6% said it should always be illegal except to save a woman’s life;
-6.4% said it should always be illegal;
-2.9% were not sure. [end of excerpt from Plain Dealer article]
VOTE NO on Issue 1!
The real numbers are MUCH closer!
We MUST keep praying and working!