Ambulance at Planned Parenthood Last Week

Cincinnati, Ohio – Cincinnati Right to Life received a phone call last week from a long time Auburn Ave. sidewalk prayer champion. As this dedicated volunteer was praying, he witnessed an ambulance arrive in an emergency at this killing facility that violently dismembers preborn children up to 22 weeks gestation. Ambulances responding here are tragically a normal…

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There’s Nothing Pro-Woman About Shoddy Standards For Abortion Pills That Can Kill Them

Despite comprehensive data showing higher rates of complications and emergency room visits from chemical abortion, the abortion pill has been feted by the corporate media, promoted as “safe” by President Joe Biden, and subjected to increasingly lax oversight by the FDA. All of this makes a little-heralded recent story in Politico even more interesting. An anonymous FDA…

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Every Pro-Life Republican Governor Who Signed an Abortion Ban Won Re-Election

To hear it from political pundits, abortion hurt Republicans in the midterm elections and the GOP should consider downplaying the pro-life message. But nothing could be further from the truth. (We know that in Ohio!) The reality is that pro-life candidates in states across the country fared well. And when it comes to Republican governors who…

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What did abortion have to do with the “Red Wave?”

From our friends at The American Prolifer Although the mainstream media will want to report the Democrat’s single-minded focus on abortion as a great electoral success, and as evidence that America is pro-abortion, the reality is much more complex. The combination of gigantic fundraising disparities in favor of abortion, overwhelming media bias against pro-lifers, and…

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Post Election Path

Thank you to everyone that voted for life on Tuesday. There was some good news and there was some difficult news with the results of the 2022 mid-term election. Overall, the voice for life was loud and clear in Ohio on​ November 8, 2022. Even as Biden and company dispatch the voice of death on…

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Abortion and the Midterm Elections

In the American midterm elections this week, five states—California, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, and Vermont—held referendums on abortion issues, with tragic outcomes. Voters in Michigan and California essentially enshrined abortion until birth, and Montana rejected mandatory medical care for infants who survive abortions. It’s an indication that in a post-Dobbs United States, pro-abortion Democrats are adopting a…

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Here We Are Again

Your Vote Must Be For Life! Here we are again. Another election with monumental consequences for preborn Americans. Depending on the election outcome in Ohio, we will have tens of thousands of babies saved in our state each year, or we will become another Illinois, California, or New York with the complete and total disregard…

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