40 Days for Life Cincinnati Update – Week 1
October 4, 2022
Contact: Mary Clark
Cincinnati Campaign Leader
We are one of 622, 40 Days for Life campaign locations this fall. The largest EVER despite some campaigns ending due to abortion being outlawed in their states! The campaign of daily continuous 7am to 7pm prayer began last Wednesday, September 28. To start off the campaign, at least sixty people were present at our Kickoff Rally on Sunday, September 25 and were inspired to carry on that prayer by listening to Fr. Matt Cushing, pastor of All Saints Parish, Walton, Kentucky, who blessed the crowd with his talk.
The Scripture readings we chose were from Exodus and II Chronicles wherein we heard of Moses’ pleading with God to spare his people who had made and worshipped a molten calf after coming out of Egypt. Because of Moses’ prayers, God relented of His punishment. The II Chronicles 7:14 verse delineates the conditions that need to be met before God heals the land.
Father Cushing reminded us that remarkably, in these times of such evil and chaos, God chose to bring about the overturning of Roe vs. Wade! He also stated that we shouldn’t fear for what our children will face in the future, but make sure they know that they were privileged to be born at this time to carry on the cause for Life.
We encourage you to bring a friend and help us cover the many remaining open hours of prayer at Planned Parenthood, especially the earliest open hours. Sign up online at www.40daysforlife.com or call me for help. If it helps to give you a quick overview of all open hours, see my spreadsheet under the Resources list on the website entitled “For Reference – Open/Covered Hours at a Glance – Sign Up Online.”
Known churches and group affiliations of our participants
Please let me know if your affiliation is not listed, whether you come to pray as an individual or with a group.
All Saints Parish, Guilford, IN
Clinton County County-wide coverage
Guardian Angels Parish, Cincinnati
Immaculate Conception Parish, Vexilla Regis Association/Our Lady’s Sodality, Norwood
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Anderson Twp.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Burlington, KY
Miami University’s Students for Life Group
Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati
Old St. Mary’s Parish, Cincinnati
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Cincinnati
Our Lady of the Valley Parish (Sts. Peter & Paul, Reading)
Our Lady of the Visitation Parish, Cincinnati (Divine Mercy family)
Pregnancy Center East
Sacred Heart Parish, Cincinnati
St. Andrew, Milford
St. Ann Parish, Groesbeck
St. Anthony Oratory, Madisonville (Eastside Region)
St. Antoninus Parish, Cincinnati
St. Cecilia Parish, Oakley (Eastside Region)
St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Ft. Thomas, KY
St. Columban Parish, Loveland
St. Edmund Campion Academy
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Milford
St. Gertrude Parish, Madeira
St. John the Baptist Parish, Colerain Twp.
St. Joseph Parish, Cold Spring, KY
St. Joseph Parish, North Bend (Divine Mercy family)
St. Jude Parish, Bridgetown (Divine Mercy family)
St. Lawrence Parish, Lawrenceburg, IN
St. Margaret of York Parish, Loveland
St. Mary Parish, Alexandria, KY
St. Mary Parish, Arnheim
St. Mary Parish, Aurora, IN
St. Mary Parish, Hyde Park (Eastside Region)
St. Philip the Apostle Parish, Morrow
St. Pius X Parish, Edgewood, KY
St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Parish, Bright, IN
St. Thomas More, Withamsville
St. Vincent Ferrer Parish, Kenwood