Where’s The Endorsement?

The CRTL office phone is ringing and we have received emails wondering, “Where are the CRTL endorsements?” for this primary, the first after the defeat of Issue 1 in November.
Rachel Citak. attorney and president of CRTL answers this question in our latest newsletter arriving in your mailboxes this week. Please read full article for a full understanding.
To remain principled and effective, CRTL is developing a new system of endorsement that will reveal truth about the candidates beyond checking a box stating they are pro-life. Checking that box is easy. What is not easy for some is to be truly pro-life. This means a candidate or elected official considers the grave, serious and disgusting impact abortion is having on the state of Ohio. The candidate works fervently to rectify the horror of abortion constitutional enshrinement that has arrived in the beautiful Buckeye State. The candidate does not use babies as bargaining chips.
As an example, Rep. Josh Williams, a Toledo-area Republican, is working on legislation that would allow the state to withhold, dollar-for-dollar, distributions from the Local Government Fund to communities that have created pots of cash to help women obtain abortions.
While we are not offering endorsements, we can guide you to other organizations that are endorsing. Cincinnati Right to Life is a founding member of the Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio and the RTLACO is providing endorsements. Cincinnati Right to Life is not an extension of Ohio Right to Life. (We recently have had supporters ask.)
Warren County GOP, Clermont County GOP Butler County GOP and iVoterguide.com have provided endorsements as well as Ohio Value Voters. The Hamilton County GOP has not issued endorsements as of sending this email.