Volunteer for LIFE!

Help us get pro-life candidates elected by working the polls election day!

House Districts 27 and 28

We need to ENSURE that we maintain and gain votes for life in Columbus! 

Will you help us work the polls at HIGH volume polling locations in House Districts 27 and 28?

YOUR vote saved 2,470 lives in July and August.

When Roe was overturned, AG Yost filed the motion to enact Ohio’s Heartbeat Law-we know it saves lives!
Ohio Abortions Dropped 65% with the Overturn of Roe

We need to elect candidates to office ensuring
Ohio remains pro-life!

If you have an hour or 2, or part of your day on Tuesday, November 8, Election Day, please follow email in button to let CRTL know and we will assign you to a high-volume location with an impact for LIFE.

CRTL will provide ballot cards and instructions.
Working the polls makes a difference!