URGENT – Our ad is running, and the pro-aborts are spending millions more!

Our commercials are running, but we need more help!

URGENT-Several weeks ago the Board of Directors of Cincinnati Right to Life decided to invest most of our reserve funds, our “war chest,” on television advertising to spread the truth in the effort to defeat the extreme full-term abortion amendment. VOTE NO on ISSUE 1.

We are grateful to our generous friends at Created Equal who gave us the use of their compelling and moving commercial produced for central Ohio. With a quick edit for Cincinnati Right to Life, we were up and running in a matter of a few days. Have you seen this on television yet?

We have enough funds to broadcast through October 17 on all four local networks as well as several cable stations.


It was just announced by the pro-aborts that they purchased another
2.1 million dollars of ads to be broadcast across
Ohio in the next few weeks.

In Cincinnati alone, the abortion cartel has committed
$433,915 to saturate the airways with their big fat lies.

The TRUTH about the extreme nature of
Issue 1 is gaining ground on the untruths of the abortionists.
They are spending to slow our momentum.
We must continue to spread the word and defeat their lies.
Vote NO on November 7.

Please help us and INVEST in DEFEATING ISSUE 1.
We thank you in advance for the incredible generosity of the pro-life community
in Southwest Ohio.