Thank You and Stay Tuned

THANK YOU supporters and volunteers of
Cincinnati Right to Life!
The impact in southwest Ohio is enormous!
Without YOU, we could not have ……….
Knocked on 4,000 doors
Called over 14,000 supporters reminding them to vote
Mailed 22,000 postcards
Printed and given away 8,000 yard signs
Advertised on 700 WLW and 55 KRC
Reached over 800,000 Ohioans with digital ads
Placed 10 billboards throughout the tri-state
Spoke at 27 live events
Participated in four, July 4 parades
Prayed with the top American defenders of human dignity
All the hard work and personal sacrifices put in by supporters of life these past months, along with the very generous eight-figure dollar contribution given to the statewide campaign from SBA Pro-Life America, paid off in gaining hundreds of thousands of “yes” votes on Issue 1 primarily motivated to oppose abortion.
That gives an excellent large voter base to build upon and campaign for hundreds of thousands of more votes against abortion up until birth; and against elimination of all Ohio parents’ rights of consent as to whether their minor children have abortions and sex change surgeries — which is on the ballot in November.
If this powerful message reaches enough voters, the pro-life community wins in November, despite the misleading ballot language.
CRTL will share more information next week
on our plan for November.
We know that we need each and every supporter to assist on keeping painful abortion of 7 pound babies out of Ohio!
We know that we need each and everyone of you to keep the rapists and traffickers out of Ohio!
We know we need each and everyone of you to make sure the health and safety standards for women is not diminshed!
Begin to pray now, and know we will need you like never before!