Regina Block’s Abortion Testimony || “He Named Him Adam”

On the last day of Black History Month, we are sharing this video clip of Regina Block’s compelling and truthful abortion story that is now being made into a motion picture.

In Ohio in 2022, 59% of abortions were on black or minority babies when only 14% of women in Ohio complete this demographic. As we have shared several times this month and as our February billboard proclaims, this is too many aborted. (We of course think each abortion is too many) It is a mission of our organization to shed light on this modern day racism covered up and misnamed “choice,” misnamed “healthcare.”

Watch the video clip and be inspired by Regina’s story. Her grief and healing journey turned into service and activism. This eventually led to the construction of the National Memorial for the Unborn in Chattanooga, TN on the site of the torn down abortion clinic where her son was killed.

“Right now in our culture we are only hearing one voice, we are hearing one opinion. It is the relentless drone for pro-abortion advocates who only want women to make one choice and that is to go into an abortion clinic and abort their child. And most of these women have no clue that they could experience the kind of crippling remorse, grief, and regret that she experienced” shares the upcoming movie’s producer Veronica DiPippo.

Veronica goes on to share, “I am hoping this film is going to be a cathartic experience for women to help them heal, to give them strength, to speak so that their voices too can be heard.”

For anyone carrying abortion regret, we know there is of course mercy from the Lord.

There are healing programs for women and men that carry the pain and suffer the loss from an abortion decision.