Please Make Phone Calls on Behalf of the 5 Babies


It was announced this week that the Biden administration has ordered the destruction of the five bodies of the full-term babies that were rescued outside a horror-filled abortion facility in Washington D.C. This action could permanently destroy the crimes subjected to these five children that have been named Harriet, Holly, Christopher X, Phoenix and Angel.

Pro-life advocates in Washington made the grisly discovery of the 5 full-term babies as well as over 100 other smaller children when they were given the boxes of the corpses outside of a notoriously disgusting full-term abortion facility. The bodies of these poor children have been at the Medical Examiner’s Office for almost two years.

We have been told that the Medical Examiner’s Office will only relent if they receive an order from the Department of Justice.

Calls to our US Senators offices, the White House, and DOJ referencing this case could help pressure the Attorney General to halt the disposal of the babies.

The White House

US Department of Justice

US Senator Sherrod Brown
(513) 684-1021

US Senator JD Vance
(513) 318-1100

Cincinnati Right to Life is grateful to the office of Congressman Warren Davidson for working diligently on this matter, including drafting a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland. We are grateful for all members of Congress that also signed the letter.

Cincinnati Right to Life joined other pro-life groups requesting that the bodies not be destroyed.

With Ohio’s loss of Issue 1 in November, the Buckeye State could be facing the fact that mothers may make this same decision of demise for their full-term babies. We must remain a strong, prayerful voice for the injustice committed against all pre-born children. We must pray this type of atrocity does not become the standard in Ohio. The evil of Ohio abortions through twenty-two weeks is enough of a tragedy on the beautiful Buckeye State.