Our commitment remains in a pro-death Ohio

NOVEMBER ISSUE 1 PASSES: Cincinnati Right to Life Responds to November Ballot Amendment Passage

CONTACT: Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati – Laura Strietmann, Executive Director 513-728-7870 mail@cincinnatirighttolife.org

Cincinnati Right to Life continues to pursue a culture of life as our city and state looks towards the devastating potential of the passage of Issue 1.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, November 8, 2023 – This campaign season, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati has been focused on the August and November Issue 1 efforts with cutting-edge technology and messaging across the Southwest Ohio region. See moving “True Story” and “Issue 1 Would Allow Dangerous, Unregulated Abortion” ads here. 

“This election has been an uphill battle against misinformation, and this defeat reflects that for our state” says Executive Director Laura Strietmann. “There is nothing pro-woman or pro-family about this amendment, and time will tell as much for the parents and women of Ohio. Our organization has been educating the public against deception running rampant since this summer. For every 10 people that we meet and have a genuine face-to-face conversation with about the limitless potential of life, we know there were 10 more lost in the lies of this ACLU-backed amendment. We transformed our small office into campaign headquarters for the entire Southwest region of Ohio. With the help of volunteers and supporters, The Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati team managed to knock 10,000 doors, get out over 45,500 signs, and make thousands of calls to voters in our region. Our digital ads reached over 600,000 viewers and our regional television and radio campaign reached millions. We can genuinely say we gave it our all, in time, outreach, and funding. I could not be prouder or more grateful of how our team, volunteers, and supporters have worked tirelessly to inform Ohio voters.”

Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati President Rachel Citak issued the following statement:

“We are so grateful for our local and statewide partners, especially Dayton Right to Life and Created Equal, which served as co-creators and colleagues in this effort to inform the public. As we look toward the future for our organization, we will go forward with a renewed passion to serve and educate our city to protect and support life at all stages. We are so inspired by the passion and renewed dedication of pro-life Cincinnatians of all ages, and we will continue to build on this momentum as we work to make abortion unthinkable in a state where it has not yet become unlawful.”

1 Comment

  1. Dennis Dunleavy on January 16, 2024 at 7:14 pm

    Thanks for your devoted efforts on behalf of life.