Ohio’s Constitution Is Not For Sale
Ohio’s constitution is not for sale | Opinion (cincinnati.com)

Cincinnati RIght to Life THANKS Ohio’s 49th Treasurer, Robert Sprague for his conviction and defense on the sanctity of pre-born life. As a father of five children, Treasurer Sprague knows how precious and intentional each and every child is.
Ohio should be a safe place for children, where parents are the final authority on what is good for their families. Ohio should have a culture of life, where we rejoice and give thanks for beautiful little babies, and where we protect them, guide them and nurture them. Little ones are the heart and soul of Ohio, and we should have a commonsense constitution that protects them.
In a world that cancels people for valuing the least among, we are honored for Treasurer Sprague’s most recent article in the Cincinnati Enquirer, a newspaper that consistently promotes the abortion agenda in Ohio.
A VOTE YES on Issue 1 in August will allow the vote against the disgusting ballot amendment in November to be a better standard with a majority of 60% of Ohioans supporting an amendment to our constitution, rather than a 50% + 1 vote.