Have You Seen Our New Billboards?
Billboards in the Cincinnati area directing women to an informational website for legal assistance regarding abortion are expected to make their way into additional states.
The billboards, reading, “Injured by Abortion?” and offering a number to contact for free legal consultations are sponsored by ReproductiveInjustice.com (RI), an incorporated group whose public face is known as Abortion on Trial (AOT).
Michael Seibel, Senior Counsel at Abortion on Trial and Reproductive Injustice, told Live Action News that with the help of Cincinnati Right to Life, eight billboards have already been erected along the I-75 corridor in the Cincinnati, Ohio, area.
“It is important that the truth about abortion comes out, especially due to the ballot referendum in the state right now,” Seibel said. “The billboards should receive about one million views.” Live Action covered the billboards in their news making this a national story.
Laura Strietmann, Executive Director of Cincinnati Right to Life shares, “In the past 12 months, Cincinnati sidewalk advocates have witnessed three women taken by ambulance with glaring sirens from the Planned Parenthood on Auburn Ave. We read the abortion incidence reports from the Ohio Department of Health and they are alarming. Abortion hurts women. We believe women have the right to know the real danger to their physical and emotional health. We are praying women come forward and receive the help they deserve.”
We are also grateful to lifesitenews.com for sharing this project with the nation. There are other cities and communities working on their own billboards, including Dayton Right to Life. Their billboards will be installed this week.
A new study released in May reveals that many women who had abortions felt pressured by others. Please join us in praying for women that need and deserve help and mercy for their situation.