Hypocrisy Alert: Issue 1 Opponents Support Different Rules for Themselves Than the Rest of Ohio
Opponents of Issue 1 all require 60% or higher vote to amend their own bylaws
For Immediate Release July 12, 2023
Media Contact: Spencer Gross, Press@VoteYesOhio.com
(COLUMBUS) – Today, the Protect Our Constitution campaign is highlighting the rampant hypocrisy of the liberal special interest groups standing in opposition to Issue 1. A wide range of liberal organizations have come out against Issue 1, which would require 60% of voters to approve changes to the Ohio Constitution. However, many of the groups opposing Issue 1 have similar or even larger vote requirements to amend their own bylaws.
“Utilizing the exact same or stronger voting requirements they’ve deemed unacceptable for Ohioans showcases the hypocrisy of the entire message propagated by opponents of Issue 1,” said Spencer Gross, spokesman for the Protect Our Constitution campaign. “If these groups can’t even trust amending their own charters and bylaws with a simple majority vote, then Ohioans shouldn’t trust that special interest groups won’t attack the Ohio Constitution if Issue 1 fails.”
Below are some of the organizations opposing Issue 1 and information on their internal voting requirements:
The Democratic Party of Ohio
The Democratic Party of Ohio opposes Issue 1. The Democratic Party of Ohio requires that 60% of its delegates vote in favor of any changes to the organization’s constitution. The party also requires that any candidates seeking its official endorsement before the primaries must receive the backing of at least 60% of the executive committee. Further, in order for members of the Democratic National Committee to revise its charter, they must meet a threshold of two-thirds (66%).
ACLU Ohio is an outspoken opponent of Issue 1. ACLU Ohio’s bylaws require a 60% vote to remove an officer or member of the Board of Directors. The national ACLU bylaws also require, with exceptions, a two-thirds (66%) vote in order for the board to overturn an action by the executive committee.
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has lobbied aggressively against Issue 1, describing it as an “anti-democratic change,” and its Ohio chapter opposes Issue 1. Planned Parenthood requires a “vote of two-thirds” (66%) to amend its own bylaws, going all the way back to 2007.
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters in Ohio is lobbying against Issue 1 in Ohio. Chapters of the League of Women Voters in Ohio, such as the Columbus chapter, require a two-thirds (66%) vote in order to amend its bylaws.
NAACP’s Ohio chapters have come out in opposition of Issue 1. A two-thirds (66%) vote is required to amend the bylaws of local chapters of the NAACP, such as those in Ohio.
Teachers’ Unions
Multiple teachers’ unions in Ohio, like the North Eastern Ohio Education Association and the Columbus Education Association, require a three-fourths (75%) vote to amend their constitution. The Ohio Education Association is part of the coalition of left-wing groups opposing Issue 1.
We urge all Ohioans to fight this hypocrisy and Vote Yes on Issue 1 !
Contact the campaign: Press@VoteYesOhio.com
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