Great News for Coffee Drinkers!
Great news coffee drinkers
There is a 100% pro-life coffee company that now donates 15% of the sales to Cincinnati Right to Life when purchased with our unique code!

Seven Weeks Coffee holds a mission to promote Godly values, provide excellent coffee, and protect every beating heart. The coffee is sourced through Direct Trade. This is the only way to ensure farmers are paid honest and legitimate wages. The coffee is specialty grade and is harvested from small lot farms in award winning coffee regions. Pesticide and mold-free.
In addition to the vital support you already give, if you are already a coffee drinker, please consider switching your brand to a Seven Weeks Coffee subscription. 15% of all spending will be donated to our great pro-life work. SHOP SEVEN WEEKS COFFEE HERE
Drink awesome coffee and assist in funding the great work of
Cincinnati Right to Life!