Careless Ohio Abortion Mill Injures Two Women in 10 Days
Posted at OperationRescue.org by Anne Reed, April 4, 2024
In March 2024, two emergency transports were documented at Women’s Med Center of Dayton, located in the suburb of Kettering. An employee by the name of Leah called 911 on March 12, at about 3:30 p.m. She reported that, following a suction abortion, the woman experienced an abrupt drop in hemoglobin and syncope upon standing. In other words, she could not stand up without a sudden loss of consciousness. 911 call here
This late-term abortion facility is known for minimizing serious injuries, continuously referring to them as “non-emergent.” This call was no different.
Just nine days later, another call was made to 911 on March 21, at about 12:15 p.m. The call was brief, and the employee responded to the dispatcher’s question by quickly stating that a patient “keeps repeatedly having a seizure.” The dispatcher only asked if the patient was conscious without inquiring or securing important information about vital signs to assess what type of emergency intervention might be required of the paramedics.