Cincinnati Right to Life Press Conference

Cincinnati Right to Life Press Conference
Friday, February 3, 2023, 4:00 p.m. set up, remarks beginning by 4:30 p.m.
Contact: lstrietmann@cincinnatirighttolife.org
Location: Atrium 2, 221 East Fourth Street, 19th Floor, Cincinnati, OH 45202
February 2, 2023
For immediate release:
In a post-Roe America and a post-Roe Ohio, the battle for the sanctity of human life is at the forefront of our culture. Here in the tristate, the founding of Cincinnati Right to Life in 1973, led to the national and international pro-life movement. Cincinnati Right Life remains convicted and steadfast in protecting life in Ohio from conception until natural death. Our community is ground zero for pro-life work.
Cincinnati Right to Life will be hosting a special guest and national speaker, Kelly Lester. More info at end of this release.
There are 3 immediate issues at hand in our state and nationally that will determine life or death for tens of thousands of pre-born Ohio people.
Cincinnati Right to Life has important news to share on each issue. More info to be provided at conference.
1. Ohio’s Heartbeat Law: The law was given a “stay” by Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Christian Jenkins in September 2022 as the court case will proceed to trial in late 2023. The life-saving law had been in effect since the fall of Roe and had led to 2,400 fewer abortions in the state, which translates to 2,400 more children. After moving through Hamilton County Appeals Court, Attorney General Dave Yost filed a motion with Ohio’s Supreme Court to remove the “stay” while the case was waiting trial.
2. Citizen’s Led Ballot Initiative to Enshrine Abortion in Ohio: Two different groups from the abortion lobby are working to enshrine abortion in Ohio. The group, Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights, is working for a fall ’23 ballot initiative and Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom, which includes Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, are working for a ’24 fall ballot initiative. Pro-life groups have joined forces as we begin to strategize how we will keep Ohio, a pro-life red state, just that.
3. RU 486 and Chemical Abortion being advanced in America: The FDA recently announced that it will now allow retail pharmacies, such as CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid to distribute the chemical abortion drugs. Thankfully, Ohio’s pro-life laws block this from happening. Ohio law states that only licensed physicians are permitted to distribute the abortion pill, making the FDA’s allowance null and void in our state.
Remarks and update to be given by Laura Strietmann, Executive Director of Cincinnati Right to Life. A frontline worker in the pro-life movement for fifteen years, Laura will share what is at stake for our community. “Every week we stand in front of Cincinnati’s lone abortion clinic and see the devastated parents enter and leave. Abortion is sad for all involved. We must protect pre-born life in Ohio and bring joy and life to our state. We work to end the sorrow and darkness that is the center of the abortion culture and the for-profit abortion industry. Abortion is not healthcare. It is death and loss.”

A special guest speaker, Kelly Lester will be in attendance and provide expert information on chemical abortion. A former abortion clinic worker and a mom who experienced 4 abortions, 2 surgical and 2 chemical, is now a spokes person for And Then There Were None, founded by Abby Johnson, this group works to share the truth of abortion and support abortion clinic workers leaving the industry. Kelly has testified to governments on the effects of RU 486.
Kelly Lester wanted to work in an abortion clinic to help women. Nine months later she had witnessed enough deception and quickly left her job. She exposes the manipulative tactics that were used to coerce women to end their pregnancy and usher family members out of the waiting room.
Kelly’s testimony is riveting and valuable. A not to be missed testimony of the truth of abortion and what it is like working in an abortion clinic. She is a high-demand speaker across the nation and it is a privilege to have Kelly in Ohio as we face the abortion wars in the Buckeye State.
Contact Cincinnati Right to Life 513-728-7870 with questions.