Have You Seen Our New Billboards?

Billboards in the Cincinnati area directing women to an informational website for legal assistance regarding abortion are expected to make their way into additional states. The billboards, reading, “Injured by Abortion?” and offering a number to contact for free legal consultations are sponsored by ReproductiveInjustice.com (RI), an incorporated group whose public face is known as Abortion on…

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Ohio’s Constitution Is Not For Sale

Ohio’s constitution is not for sale | Opinion (cincinnati.com) Cincinnati RIght to Life THANKS Ohio’s 49th Treasurer, Robert Sprague for his conviction and defense on the sanctity of pre-born life. As a father of five children, Treasurer Sprague knows how precious and intentional each and every child is. Ohio should be a safe place for children,…

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Upcoming Kroger Shareholder Meeting Will Feature CRTL Board President

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Right to Life of Greater CincinnatiLaura Strietmann, Executive Directormail@cincinnatirighttolife.org513-728-7870 Upcoming Kroger Shareholder Meeting Will Feature TestimonyFrom Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati President,Rachel Citak on June 22, 2023 Pro-Life Kroger shareholders spotlight Cincinnati Right to Life and push for greater transparency in Kroger’s charitable contributions after Kroger offers to pay employees for…

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The anti-parent ACLU and supporting groups are continuing their all-out assault against parental rights in Ohio. Despite claiming that Ohio’s proposed ballot initiative doesn’t abolish parental rights, newly-surfaced tweets from Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (URGE), a member of the Ohioans for Reproductive Freedom coalition, show the organization’s extreme views on parental rights and further uncover…

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Ballot Amendment Will Proceed as 1 Issue

The Ohio Supreme Court issued a ruling Thursday upholding the Ohio Ballot Board’s decision that the proposed amendment can move forward as a single initiative. Rachel Citak, Esq., and newly announced President of Cincinnati Right to Life shared: “This is not the outcome we had hoped for, as we had hoped to see judicial intervention encourage transparency by our ballot board. We had…

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Greater Cincinnati Right to Life Welcomes New President

Greater Cincinnati Right to Life is proud to welcome Board Member and Attorney Rachel Citak as its next leader as outgoing President Jack Hart, a devoted leader for 18 years, joins Board of Directors. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, June 1, 2023 — After passionately leading Greater Cincinnati Right to Life for the past 18 years, including…

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We honor all who have fallen defending our great Nation

This Memorial Day, as we honor, recognize, and remember the sacrifices of so many who died to secure and defend our natural rights; let us not forget that the very rights they died defending are still being denied to tens of thousands of children each week in America. Let us not forget that in Ohio,…

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