The Pro-Life Activist Video that Kamala Harris Seized as California’s Attorney General Has Come Out
By: Mattison Brooks, originally published August 5, 2024, StudentsForLifeAction.org
Not long ago we detailed how the REAL Kamala Harris would eventually be known to America – not just as the pro-abortion Vice President to Joe Biden, but as the virulently anti-Catholic and anti-pro-life former Attorney General of California.
New reporting from The Daily Wire seems to suggest that those days are now here: “Never before seen footage showing a Planned Parenthood employee appearing to discuss the sale of aborted babies’ body parts was released Tuesday, years after now-Vice President Kamala Harris seized the footage as Attorney General of California.
The five-minute video shows a conversation between a person identified as Dr. Stacy De-Lin, Planned Parenthood New York City Medical Director for Abortion Services, and an undercover reporter with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). During their conversation, De-Lin seems to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood would sell the livers of aborted babies.”
In a previous article, we outlined Harris’ sustained campaign against pro-life activist David Daleiden for his undercover videos noting that her campaign contributor, Planned Parenthood, was allegedly and illegally selling aborted baby body parts.
The sale of body parts has been an on-going concern for many years now, with Students for Life Action (SFLAction) waging a campaign against pro-abortion Democrats and Republicans in Pennsylvania for refusing to defund the university that was caught engaging in the practice.
This specific incident began back in 2021 at the University of Pittsburgh, and at the time we called on Dr. Anthony Fauci to resign from the National Institute for Health’s (NIH) role in these experiments, which were exposed in a video and testimony by David Daleiden, project lead at the Center for Medical Progress.
Additionally, Harris also supported legislation that would have forced pregnancy resource centers to refer for abortions. Thankfully, in time, this law was struck down as unconstitutional at the U.S. Supreme Court. It didn’t’ stop or slow Harris, however, and she continued to push for every effort to shut down these resource centers for women.
We can expect more evidence like this to keep coming out in the coming weeks and months before the election – Vice President Harris’ brand of pro-abortion extremism has infected every aspect of her career. And America is going to find that out one way or another.
Mattison Brooks is Press Specialist and Online Editor at Students for Life Action.org.