We Need Your Help Fighting Mainstream Media Misinformation!

It has been brought to our attention that in at least 2 recent news stories, (of course there are more) the diabolical and dishonest rhetoric against the defeat of Ohio Issue 1 has begun. As we know, there is radical abortion amendment on the November 7 election and the abortion cartel of Planned Parenthood and…

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An OB-GYN’s Perspective on Ohio Abortion Laws

This November, Ohio citizens will be asked to make a big determination on the most important issue of our time, abortion.   I am a board-certified OB-GYN, 10 years in practice, living and working in the greater Cincinnati area.  And I am confidently voting against the misleadingly named “The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for…

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National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children

By participating in the National Day of Remembrance, visiting these solemn memorial places at other times of the year, and spreading the word about this prayer campaign, you are helping to humanize our aborted brothers and sisters and deepening your own commitment to ending the injustice of abortion. The National Day of Remembrance also offers hope and healing to…

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Controversial Transgender Groups Endorse Ohio’s Abortion-Related Issue One

An LGBT pressure group that advocates teaching transgender ideology to children in preschool has endorsed an abortion-related state constitutional amendment that could also create a constitutional “right” for minors to have transgender surgeries without their parents’ knowledge or approval. In addition, the transgender activist group is joined by one of the nation’s largest profiteers from…

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Vote NO Issue 1 Yard Signs are Here!

Please email to reserve-we have MANY to distribute and are looking for individuals from churches, neighborhoods and other groups to help us spread the VOTE NOmessage throughout southwest Ohio.Need one for your yard? Call us or stop by!

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Should Ohio Taxpayers Pay for Abortions?

The question is pretty straightforward: should every Ohio taxpayer, regardless of how he feels about abortion, have to pay for it? Yes or no? Depending on your answer, that’s how you should vote on Issue One November 7.  Issue One amends Ohio’s Constitution to legalize abortion-on-demand through nine months of pregnancy. But it just doesn’t…

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The November Ballot Measure Has Been Officially Issued

VOTE NO ON ISSUE 1 NOVEMBER 7 BREAKING: The Ohio Board of Elections announced that the abortion enshrinement amendment, the “Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety” ballot proposal will be Issue #1 on Ohio’s upcoming November ballot. This deadly, dangerous, and diabolical amendment would disfigure the state of Ohio if enshrined into…

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November Race to Victory

We must vote NO in November to be victorious in defeating the radical pro-aborts! July, 2023 “I have been blessed with a God-given ability to run fast. I am obsessed with maximizing my potential,” were the words of Jason Saylor on May 6, 2023, right after he won The Flying Pig Marathon, his second Ohio…

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A Warning from New Mexico

Sound the alarms in Ohio Cincinnati Right to Life included this writing in a previous article about Issue 1 and the importance of its defeat. PLEASE READ-there is DANGER in Ohio and we must plan to defeat and end the abortion atrocity in our state.The abortion agenda in Ohio is DEEP! (DEEPER than we all realize)…

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We Carry On!

Last week was difficult. Tuesday’s defeat of Issue 1 was not what we expected after months of prayer, work, trust, and hope. To say we were disappointed is an understatement. In Ohio it still takes just 50% +1 of Ohioans to enshrine laws into our Ohio Constitution, our founding document that guides our state. This year it…

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