Hamilton County Activist Judge Strikes Down Ohio’s Life-Saving Heartbeat Law

Last week, the Statehouse News Bureau reported: From Ohio’s Ohio’s ban on nearly all abortions cannot be enforced, at the order of a Hamilton County judge.
Judge Christian Jenkins ruled Ohio’s ban on abortion after fetal cardiac electronic activity can be detected, also known as the “heartbeat law”, is unconstitutional under an amendment approved by voters last fall. Issue 1 guaranteed reproductive rights including abortion, fertility treatments and miscarriage care.
Jenkins wrote: “Ohio voters have spoken. The Ohio Constitution now unequivocally protects the right to abortion.”
Cincinnati Right to Life shares:
It is interesting to note Judge Jenkins’ disregard for the voice of Ohio voters when he placed an injunction on the Heartbeat Law passed by the will of the people in 2019.
The 2019 law, has been on hold since September 2022, after going into effect following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning the right to abortion in June of 2022.
The Heartbeat Law had been signed by Governor DeWine, after Ohioans worked for eight years to protect unborn children from the violence and pain-filled deadly act of abortion. After Governor DeWine signed the law, a federal judge then blocked the law, where it sat on hold until Roe was overturned through the Dobbs decision.
For 11 weeks in 2022, Ohio’s Heartbeat Law saved lives.
There were 18,488 Ohio abortions in 2022, which was down from a total of a total of 21,813 abortions in 2021. That means 3,325 Ohio babies were saved from abortion compared to the previous year. In 2023, there were 22,000 abortions.
Heartbeat Laws saves lives, which means the for-profit abortion businesses lose customers. The loss of customers, is a loss of revenue for the abortion industry. Since Nan Whaley began her tenure as the leader of Cincinnati’s only child dismemberment business, she has repeatedly shared she wants to increase the volume of abortion deaths, to increase business.

Women enter the facility which she directs, full of life and as mothers with a living child in their womb. Mothers leave Planned Parenthood with an empty womb, a child, and most often a broken heart.
“The permanent banning of Ohio’s Heartbeat Law means more dead babies and a larger loss of life in Ohio. This is absolutely nothing to be happy about, and anyone who celebrates this decision is confused and uninformed. Mother’s giving birth is a great thing, not a bad thing. In a state with a declining population, our lawmakers need to support the work of the pro-life community to ensure a brighter future for life in Ohio. Cincinnati Right to Life grieves this unsurprising decision as we value all life from conception to natural death. Each week in Cincinnati, we grieve the bins of dead Ohio babies as they are carted off to be burned in an incinerator, like the Jews at Auschwitz.” shares Laura Strietmann, Executive Director.
The Hamilton County judge’s decision underscores the importance of prolife advocacy in all elections whether it be at the local, state, or federal level. Ohio has 3 vital judicial races at the Ohio Supreme Court level.