FDA Allows Pharmacies to Sell Dangerous Abortion Drug to Kill More Babies in Abortions

As of January 3rd, 2023, the FDA will allow pharmacies to sell the dangerous abortion drug that has killed millions of babies and injured thousands of women. Previously, mifepristone could only be dispensed by clinics, medical offices, and hospitals or under the supervision of a licensed physician. Leading pro-life groups will undoubtedly urge Pro-Life Americans…

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What are Ohio Lawmakers Doing to Stop This Evil?

400 Babies Died by Abortion this Week in Ohio! Roe has been overturned, there is no right to abortion at the federal level, yet Ohio lawmakershave done NOTHING to END this deadly scourge in our state! Excuses, excuses, excuses, pathetic excuses—all day long! And we have a Republican super majority in Ohio!If you are a…

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Urgent action needed TODAY!

Tell Your State Representative to Vote for Conservative Derek Merrin TODAY! 10 Seconds to Action! House Vote Expected TODAY! The Kasich-Led Democrat/RINO’s are executing a Coup on the Ohio Republican Party hoping you will not notice! Outgoing Ohio Republican Party Chairman and Union operative Bob Paduchik and the John Kasich led Democrat/RINO’s are trying to…

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Top Pro-Life Stories of 2022

Cincinnati RIght to Life is a founding member of the RIght to Life Action Coalition of Ohio The year of our Lord 2022 has been one for the history books! And yet we have many more reasons to rejoice and be glad! 1. Roe v. Wade Overturned The scourge that was Roe v. Wade was finally tossed…

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11 Children Adopted in Special Christmas Ceremony

A Mississippi courtroom was the scene of special Christmas joy this month when 11 children were adopted into permanent, loving homes. WXXV News 25 reports the families celebrated at the Jackson County Courthouse with Judge Neil Harris on Dec. 20. They included children who no longer are in foster care and children who were adopted by…

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Baby Born 16 Weeks Early Went Home Just in Time for Christmas

A baby born 16 weeks early will be spending her first Christmas at home with her family after spending over 11 months in hospital. Baby Ava was born in January this year in Portsmouth’s Queen Alexandra Hospital weighing only 1lb 4oz. Being so premature and so tiny, she needed immediate care and nine weeks after…

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The Christian Compassion Revolution

In May, 2022, the US Senate rejected an abortion rights bill. A response to the possibility of the Supreme Court’s overturning Roe v. Wade, the proposed bill would have guaranteed the legal right to abortion up until birth. This flies in the face of any arguments about the “viability” of an unborn child, and exposes our culture’s true…

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Joe Biden Leaves Name of Jesus Christ Out of Christmas Message

Joe Biden left the name of Jesus Christ out of his Christmas message on December 23rd, 2022, but he took time to specifically mention people of non-Christian religions and even those who have no faith at all. “The Christmas story is at the heart of the Christmas — Christian faith. But the message of hope,…

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Feast of the Holy Innocents

Feast of the Holy Innocents December 28, 2022“Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.” Mt 2:13 Cincinnati Right to Life pauses in our joyful Christmas celebration to honor the first Christian martyrs, the Holy…

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