Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signs bill requiring fetal development videos in public schools
School children in most Tennessee counties will be required to view a three-minute animated video depicting fetal development, such as one produced by a political group that advocates against abortion, a under a bill signed by Gov. Bill Lee on Tuesday.
HB 2435/SB 2767 mandates the inclusion of a 3-minute computer-generated or high definition ultrasound video depicting fetal development in family life curricula across the state beginning in the 2024-25 school year.
The new state law cites as an example an animation developed by Live Action, a political advocacy group, that asserts that human life begins at conception. While the law does not specifically require viewing of Live Action’s animation “Meet Baby Olivia,” the law touts it as an example of one that would fit the stringent requirements. The legislation is titled the Baby Olivia Act.
Similar legislation, all specifically referencing Live Action’s Baby Olivia video, has passed or is being considered in Missouri, North Dakota, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Iowa. FULL ARTICLE