Divided Supreme Court removes restrictions to abortion pill access

From the Washington Examiner: The Supreme Court on Friday removed the threat of any restrictions on a common abortion pill after a lower court judge’s ruling threatened to reverse the government’s 23-year approval of the drug. Access to the drug mifepristone will remain unchanged for now after the majority on the high court sided with the Biden administration, freezing a lower court ruling.…

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Which Side of History Will Our Lawmakers Be On?

MORE BREAKING NEWS: Today, April 19, 2023, Senate Joint Resolution 2 (SJR2), and Senate Bill 92 (SB92) were voted out of the Ohio Senate in the afternoon. We now need House Joint Resolution (HJR1) and House Bill 144 (HB144), companions to the Senate legislation, to be passed. The resolutions and bills would safeguard Ohio from outside special interest groups and would…

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Immediate Action Needed – Call Your State Rep

Big Week for Court BattlesAgainst Abortion AND Immediate Action Needed TODAY! A decision by the US Supreme Court is expected on Wednesday on the abortion pill case from Texas, while the Ohio Supreme Court will rule any day on the challenge to the pro-abortion ballot initiative. Please tell your Ohio representative to protect the Ohio…

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The Abortion Pill Cases go to the Supreme Court

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: From our friends at americanprolifer.com The nationwide court battle over abortion will see its biggest week since June of last year when Roe v Wade was overturned. The Abortion Pill Cases go to the Supreme Court Late last week, Justice Samuel Alito, the supreme court judge who authored the opinion that declared abortion is…

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Ohio “Reproductive Freedom” Amendment Lawsuit

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: From our friends at americanprolifer.com The second pivotal ruling expected this week deals with the ballot initiative being proposed by the abortion lobby to amend the constitution of Ohio to make the killing of pre-born children through abortion a state constitutionally protected right. Abortion advocates are attempting to put the amendment, styled after New York and…

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“Reproductive Freedom”: Ohio’s Trojan Horse

PROTECT WOMEN OHIO LAUNCHES TWONEW ADS TO DEFEAT EXTREME ANTI-PARENT AMENDMENT  “Parents have every reason to fear the ACLU’s extreme agenda. The state government doesn’t know what is best for our kids, we do.”– Molly Smith, Board Member, Protect Women Ohio Protect Women Ohio (PWO), a pro-woman, pro-life, pro-parent coalition, is launching two new 60-second ads…

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Cincinnati Right to Life Banquet Speaker Sister Deirdre Byrne Responds to Cincinnati Nuns’ Personal Opinions Printed in Local Paper

Several weeks ago, a group of nuns in Cincinnati expressed their personal opinions about the abortionists’ proposed amendment to the Ohio constitution that would strip parents of their rights and permit radical abortion through nine months of pregnancy in Ohio. These local nuns, who are known for being out of step with authentic Church teaching, stated in their written piece:…

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