Abortion up to birth is just not right!

12 Days Left!


Because of our supporters, millions have been reached and Cincinnati Right to Life has:

  • Hung 44 billboards around the tri-state
  • Prayed rosaries, Masses, and held praise and worship events
  • Sponsored ads on streaming digital television
  • Broadcast radio ads on 5 local stations
  • Distributed 45,000+ yard signs and 400+ extra-large yard signs
  • Knocked on 10,000 household doors
  • Mailed over 50,000 cards, newsletters, and flyers
  • Reached thousands at churches, townhalls, political meetings and more
  • Advertised on platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok
  • Written editorials and conducted interviews with news sources

We continue to work 24/7 as we strive to educate on Issue 1 and debunk
the LIES of the abortion industry!
We are going strong and are not tired yet!

Our second television commercial is beginning today!

This commercial is just so sad. This is the reality of abortion.

While we have this hard-hitting, truthful commercial on the local stations in Southwest Ohio, the pro-aborts are spending money spreading their false rhetoric across the state at a rate more than 10 times that of pro-lifers.

So here we go again letting our entire community know that
with another $25,000 we can reach at least a million
extra viewers, maybe more.
Television is expensive, because television is effective.

Please consider a gift to Cincinnati Right to Life.

Lives are truly at stake, as well as the culture in our entire state.
We thank you in advance.
As soon as we receive donations, we wire them to purchase the media.
May God have mercy on Ohio.