Great News as Thousands Travel to Washington DC this week to March for Life
The YOUTH VOTE Doesn’t Support the Radical Abortion Agenda Democrats are Selling BUT Supports Limits on Abortion & Chemical Abortion Pill Safeguards
A Students for Life of America & Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement 2024 YouGov Poll –
YouGov/Students for Life of America Poll Indicates Interest in Pro-Life Limits & Protections for Mothers & the Preborn
“Reaching the key voting bloc that is the Youth Vote doesn’t mean running away from the issue of abortion. It means talking specifically about how to protect Life in law and in service and about plans to help women survive their exposure to an abortion industry that profits from death,” said Students for Life of America (SFLA) and the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPA) President Kristan Hawkins. “The Youth Vote, like most Americans, rejects the late-term abortion extremism seen in numerous state ballot initiatives, Biden Administration regulation, and Pelosi-pushed policies.”
INTRODUCTION: Now five years running, Students for Life of America & the Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPA) examine again the political and policy views on the LIFE issue held by a critical demographic – the Youth Vote. Reportedly more than one-third of the electorate and headed toward majority status, the Youth Vote is a key cohort for those looking for traditionally less engaged voters. But as SFLAction has written, they are becoming an important swing vote in races across the country.
THE YOUTH VOTE CARES ABOUT WOMEN EXPOSED TO CHEMICAL ABORTION PILLS AS WELL AS THE ENVIRONMENT: Once again, the Youth Vote rejects the Biden Administration’s reckless No Test, Online Distribution of Chemical Abortion Pills, which expose women to Injury, Infertility, Death, and even Abusers, who use the drugs against women without their knowledge or consent. Once again, more than 9 in 10 rejected the Biden Administration’s FDA policy that got rid of health and safety standards protecting women’s lives and fertility. However, the intensity of that rejection went UP. Asked about the importance of conducting studies on the potential environmental impact of waste and drugs related to abortion, more than 9 in 10 (91%) said that it was somewhat to extremely important to have environmental testing, with 37% saying extremely important – up from 30% last year.
EVEN AFTER MASSIVE MEDIA MISINFORMATION ON ABORTION, A CLEAR MAJORITY WANTS LESS ABORTION. Once again, more than 6 in 10 (65%) of the Youth Vote support limits on abortion, in all or some circumstances.
EVEN POST-ROE, LESS THAN 1 IN 10 SUPPORT THE VIEWS OF DEMORATIC PARTY LEADERSHIP. Once again, only 9% supported the Democratic Party’s radical agenda of abortion through all 9 months without limits, up to and including allowing infanticide — the death of a baby born during a botched abortion. (To learn more about the Democratic Party’s agenda as seen in support for the “Women’s Health Protection Act” — better called the Women’s Health Endangerment Act — as well as support for infanticide as seen in their refusal to sign onto the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, click here.)
EVEN WHEN A BABY SURVIVES AN ABORTION, REFUSING TO PROTECT THOSE BORN DURING BOTCHED ABORTIONS IS WILDLY UNPOPULAR AS MORE THAN 9 IN 10 WANTED LIFE-SAVING EFFORTS TO BE GIVEN TO A BABY WHO SURVIVED A BOTCHED ABORTION. 72% supported emergency measures including calling 911 with 19% desiring care, not including 911. Mirroring the same level of radical support as for the Democratic Party’s abortion views, only 9% picked: “Nothing should be done since the mother was trying to have an abortion done.”
EVEN BEFORE A BABY CAN LIVE OUTSIDE A MOTHER’S WOMB: ABORTION LIMITS BEFORE VIABILITY HAVE BROAD SUPPORT. Half of respondents said abortion should be restricted to either in the first trimester or at 4 months (15 weeks).
Asked which most closely resembled their view on abortion limits, HEARTBEAT OR BETTER PROTECTIONS WERE A WINNER with 37% supporting. 17% said abortion protection for preborn life should begin at conception and another 20% said that protection from abortion should begin when a child’s heartbeat is detected while 15% would limit at 3 months of pregnancy (12 weeks) and 7% said they would limit at almost 4 months/15 weeks.
Cincinnati Right to Life THANKS Students for Life of America for this poll, and of course we are grateful for ALL of their work building a culture of LIFE, especially with the pro-life generation.