Ohio is killing our future, but we can help a mom today!

We have the Answer!

A recent headline from cleveland.com stated – College crisis: Why Ohio schools are facing an enrollment drop and what they might do about it.

Guess what? It doesn’t take a college degree to do the math and know the answer to this crisis. Ohio is aborting, or tragically, has aborted, our future.

The article by Laura Hancock in cleveland.com goes on to report, “Ohio entered a new era in which enrollment is generally on the decline, due to the state’s demographics – there are fewer Ohioans of childbearing age and they are having fewer children. Graduating high schoolers are opting out of college, questioning whether it’s worth taking on the heavy debt.”

Notice the mentioned reasons…..while leaving out the 127,536 Ohio abortions between 17-22 years ago. These people that were killed before birth would be college-age now. Aborting children has consequences-for the mother, the families and our society.
We are missing Ohioans.
We MUST wake up to this!

“We saw a decline from 2012 to 2020 of about 12% in the public sector – both in the four-year and the two-year… And what this relies on is fundamental demographics, declining birth rates nationally in the United States and in Ohio, but also declining college-going rates. Fewer students are choosing to go to college after high school,” Mike Duffy, chancellor of the Ohio Department of Higher Education shared with cleveland.com.

In the fall of 2023, there were 542,000 students in public and private Ohio colleges and universities. This is a 10.7% decrease from 5 years prior in 2018, well ahead of the nation’s 4.7% decrease in college and university enrollment over the same time frame.

It is not any sort of a stretch to say Ohio is aborting it’s future. We are. And with the passage of Issue 1 in November, these numbers, this tremendous loss of life, this damage to our beautiful state, will get worse before it gets better.