Your Vote Matters, Everyday

By: Jessica Robinson

This November, or during early voting, we go to the polls armed with our convictions about the importance of life. We’ll wait in lines, leave work early, maybe pass a barrage of campaigners to express our values, affecting our nation’s trajectory.

I want to remind you, though, that casting a ballot on Election Day is not the only way you vote. Everyday, you vote. You vote with your wallet. You vote with your voice. And you vote with your silence.

You vote for abortion every time you support a business that provides, or advocates for, the procedure. You vote for abortion when someone asks your thoughts and you say, “Well, I’m personally pro-life, but…” You vote for abortion to continue every time you allow someone to spew misinformation about its purpose.

I do not bring up these points to shame, guilt, or judge you. I need to remind myself of the reality that everyday I have an opportunity to fight for life or loosen my convictions. And though I can convince myself that voting for a more pro-life candidate, or donating to a pro-life PAC, or praying without action, is sufficient to help the cause, it is not. Don’t go to sleep feeling that you’ve done enough. Go to sleep asking what more can you do.

I want to say that if pushed, I’d fight until my last breath for life, but now I’m realizing that courage is built through consistency. I must consistently fight for life in small ways. Otherwise, when I have a bigger opportunity to fight for life, my vote will already be cast.

If we want to truly change our culture, we must take everyday as an opportunity to fight. We must stop walking away from uncomfortable situations because we don’t feel like confrontation. We should stop shopping at stores where our money could go to fund the killing of innocent children.

A fairly easy way to cast your vote is to stop shopping at pharmacies that sell abortion pills that are now responsible for over 50% of the abortions in America. Your vote matters, everyday.

Jessica Robinson is a Cincinnati Right to Life Board Member

At the beginning of 2024 Human Life International updated their resources reporting which companies support Planned Parenthood. This is excellent information and may cause you to reconsider where you bank, shop, obtain insurance, and even buy gasoline.
Click link below:

Organizations Who Fund Planned Parenthood/HLI Resources