XU & UC Make Key Gains For Diversity of Thought on Campus:
New additions to Cincinnati’s pro-life leadership on XU and UC campuses will include faithful pro-life Priest as well as CRTL President

CONTACT: Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati – Laura Strietmann, Executive Director 513-728-7870 mail@cincinnatirighttolife.org
Cincinnati Right to Life celebrates the addition of CRTL and XU Alum President Rachel Citak to
the XU Presidential Advisory Council, and welcomes the assignment of Father David Doseck to
UC campus as he shepherds Catholic Bearcats at parishes spanning the Clifton area in 2024.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, November 20, 2023 – The loss of Issue 1 in Ohio has invited mainstream news analysis of Ohio as increasingly pro-abortion, especially among younger voters. However, on the campuses of Xavier University and the University of Cincinnati, the culture of life and diversity of thought is alive and well for students who find new support in recent leadership.
President Colleen M. Hanycz, Ph.D (pronounced: HAN-nihj) serves as Xavier University’s 35th president. As Father Graham’s successor, Dr. Hanycz is historic in her leadership as Xavier’s first non-Jesuit and woman president in its 190-year history. Throughout her career as an attorney and professor, Dr. Hanycz has been an active proponent of Catholic education as a means to advance the common good and to celebrate the dignity of each person. She continues this commitment with the latest invitation to her Presidential Advisory Council: Xavier Alum, Attorney, and President of Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati, Rachel Citak.
“I am thrilled to be joining the President’s Advisory Council at Xavier University, “ says CRTL board President Rachel Citak. “It is still surreal to me to have a leader like Dr. Hanycz be acquainted with my work and authorship…It has been a joy to serve my alma mater in any capacity that fosters diversity of thought in building ‘men and women for others.’ This is pivotal as we continue building a culture of life to support, defend, and empower women in our city.” Rachel’s previous involvement with the university has included informing faculty and students in the wake of Dobbs, as part of Xavier’s Take It On conversation series–which presents opposing viewpoints to encourage open civil discourse on campus.
For the Queen City, 2024 will bring the blessings of Father David Doseck’s assignment from C-1 in Preble County to Cincinnati as the New Pastor of the Uptown Catholic Family in Cincinnati, effective January 8, 2024. The Uptown Catholic Family encompasses the Clifton area, including St. Monica-St. George Parish and the Newman Center for the University of Cincinnati Catholic Bearcats, Annunciation Parish, and Holy Name Parish.
“We are so excited that this new leadership at Xavier has made the decision to include our board President as an alma mater and community leader. We welcome the recent assignment of Father David Doseck to this key region on campus,” says Executive Director Laura Strietmann. “Father Doseck is a young, faithful Priest with a track record of standing for biblical truths in our culture, no matter what the mob says. We are sure he will continue to do so in 2024 as he shares the love of Christ and the importance of truth.
“Now more than ever, we must support and encourage upcoming generations to lead and learn to stand strong in their faith and convictions. ”
To learn more about our organization, please visit: www.CincinnatiRightToLife.org