We Carry On!

Last week was difficult.

Tuesday’s defeat of Issue 1 was not what we expected after months of prayer, work, trust, and hope. To say we were disappointed is an understatement. In Ohio it still takes just 50% +1 of Ohioans to enshrine laws into our Ohio Constitution, our founding document that guides our state.

This year it is abortion and pot. Soon election redistricting and laws that harm protecting Ohioans by removing immunity for our law enforcement officers. Buckle up for dangerous Ohio. We warned you.

Another gut-punch on Friday with the news about the loss of the court case challenging the unlawfulness of the petitions circulated to place the full-term abortion amendment on the ballot. Pro-lifers were simply asking the court to follow the law as written requiring the statutes that would change from a proposed amendment, be included on the petition as stated in Ohio Revised Code. The mental and legal gymnastics the Ohio Supreme Court performed to get to their decision is mind-blowing.

But this week we carry on!

For 50 years Cincinnati Right to Life has never stopped. Has never wearied. Has never backed down on defending LIFE in Ohio and beyond. It is our mission and we take our call seriously.

We know wins and we know defeats, but we do not know quitting.

We are comitted to keeping the horror of abortion of 7 pound babies out of our state’s founding document. We are committed to keeping parental consent legal. We are committed to protecting the lives of pre-born babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome. We are committed to keeping rapists from taking our daughters to abortionists. We are committed to keeping partial-birth abortion out of Ohio.

Every single life is worth the battle.

PLEASE JOIN us in our strategy session on
keeping the horror out of Ohio
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
6:30 p.m.
CRTL Offices