The Abortion Catastrophe of 2023
As reported by our friends at Dayton Right to Life
Annually, at September’s end, the Ohio Department of Health publishes the abortion statistics for the preceding year. Consequently, on September 30th, the self-reported data from state abortion facilities for 2023 will be disclosed. In recent years, the yearly abortion figures have fluctuated between 18,000 and 20,000. According to the latest Ohio Health reporting benchmarks, such numbers would signify a health crisis.
For example, currently, the Ohio Department of Health is reporting weekly reports on the Monkeypox numbers on their website “dashboard.” To date, there have been 5 deaths in Ohio.
As you remember, we would get DAILY reports from then Ohio Health Director Amy Acton during the COVID outbreak in 2020. According to Cleveland.com “By official accounting from the Ohio Department of Health, 41,242 Ohioans died because of the coronavirus during the first three years of the pandemic – 13,621 in the first year (2020), 18,277 in year two (2021), and 9,344 (2022).” Read more here.
Neither COVID nor Monkey Pox have reached the level of deaths reported each year in the abortion report. Yet there is no dashboard, no public service announcements, and no public statements from the current Director, Bruce Vanderhoff, regarding the over 20,000 lives lost in 2022.
“The last time America saw an annual abortion increase
this bad was 1977.”
Thanks to ABORT73 reporting, we already have an indication of what the 2023 Ohio abortion report will reveal—and it is tragic. Read the story here.
Cincinnati Right to Life will report on Ohio’s numbers when they become available at the end of the month.
As mentioned earlier, the state’s numbers are all self-reported by the abortion facilities with ZERO oversight from the State. To get a more accurate assessment of the killing of Ohio’s unborn, we need better reporting. Read about what is happening in the UK regarding this issue.