Thank You Cincinnati Right to Life Community!
In June, Cincinnati Right to Life held our FIRST EVER on-line baby shower.
We are GRATEFUL beyond words for the generosity showered upon this new mom that had been so close to taking the life of her unborn daughter. Please see the image of the note of gratitude from this dear mom.

This past November a Cincinnati Right to Life trained Sidewalk Advocate met a mom at the Planned Parenthood gate in Clifton. As the young mom’s boyfriend was driving in for the abortion appointment, they stopped to receive a gift bag provided by the smiling and praying advocate.
Only a few quick words were exchanged, but in the bag were several gifts, pregnancy help information, and a personal note from Sara, the advocate. You can read the FULL STORY here but Sara had shared a mobile number for texting with a note that said, “You are not alone.” The pregnant mom read the note in the parking lot of Planned Parenthood before she entered the facility. She shared later with Sara that this was a sign from God.
But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Thank you to Sara and her unwavering commitment for standing and serving the Lord while loving the least among us!
We know that our sidewalk advocacy and increased prayers in Clifton are making an impact for LIFE! Cincinnati Right to Life has trained over 120 Sidewalk Advocates to date, but we need more help. Our plan is to have law-abiding, peaceful advocates on the sidewalk every hour that Planned Parenthood is dismembering and decapitating babies.
Please join our team for LIFE, a once-a-month commitment helps. We are praying the Lord is calling you! SIDEWALK TRAINING