Thank you Abby Johnson!

Former Director of a Texas Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson, joined a group of pro-lifers on the sidewalk in front of Cincinnati’s unborn baby killing facility on Auburn Ave. in Clifton. We prayed together before Abby shared inspiring words for the advocates that braved the chilly morning.

Having spoken the evening before as REACHOUT Pregnancy Center’s keynote, Abby was generous with her time and stayed in Cincinnati to be with our group on Wednesday morning.

She had a strong reminder of the evil and lies that exist inside Planned Parenthood. She shared the brutalty of abortion and how women are manipulated and sold the lie of death over life.

Abby gave beautiful words of encouragement for the sidewalk advocates and reminded us that just by standing witness, we are an unspoken beacon of hope for women entering. “The slaughter of the innocents is an offense to God,” Abby stated, as she affirmed that the real pro-life work takes place at this last minute chance of help before a death decision is made. “Our prayer lives should be moving us to action.” The pro-life community in Cincinnati THANKS Abby Johnson for her work and her witness. To find out more about her beautiful God-given work, visit here.

If you would like to get involved with 40 Days for Life in Cincinnati or would like to become a Sidewalk Advocate, contact us here or visit this website.