Planned Parenthood Targets Minorities

New Research Shows Planned Parenthood Targets Minority Neighborhoods (10/1/12)

79% of Planned Parenthood’s abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods. Life Issues Institute’s extensive Census data study reveals that 62% of these 165 facilities target Black neighborhoods and 64% target Hispanics. 45% of these facilities are located within walking distance of both a Black and a Hispanic neighborhood. Blacks make up only 12.6% of the U.S population and Hispanics make up only 18.9%. Yet Planned Parenthood has managed to locate the majority of its abortion facilities very close to relatively high populations of these minorities, clearly by design. Read full article…

Interactive Map illustrates how Planned Parenthood facilities target minority populations within walking distance (2 miles):

Protecting Black Life Interactive MapPlanned Parenthood Minority Targeted Areas

Investigation: Planned Parenthood Speeds Targeting of Minorities (2/14/14)

Planned Parenthood continues to target minorities for abortion in its 25 new mega abortion centers (over 10,000 square feet). Life Issues Institute found that 88% these mega-centers are within walking distance of minority neighborhoods. 80% target Black neighborhoods alone and 56% target Hispanic neighborhoods. This article also factually de-bunks The Guttmacher Institute’s false claim that abortion facilities do not target minorities. Read full article…

2016 Mega Center Data Summary (click on image below to view & print):

Click on image above to view & print 2016 Mega Center Data Summary Sheet

Research Shows Planned Parenthood Expands Targeting Minorities as it Spurns Racist Founder

Planned Parenthood has located 86% of its abortion facilities in or near minority neighborhoods in the 25 U.S. counties with the most abortions. Life Issues Institute’s latest research shows that these 25 counties (out of 3013) accounted for 30% of all abortions in 2014 and are home to 28% of Blacks and 37% of Hispanics. In the years since, Planned Parenthood has added at least 15 abortion centers to these counties, indicating an accelerated targeting strategy in these minority-rich population areas. Read full article…

Top 25 Counties Online Stats Sheet (click on image below to view & print):

Click on image above to view & print Top 25 Counties Online Stats Sheet

Research Produces a List of High-Abortion Risk Zip Codes

Life Issues Institute’s Top 25 Counties research has also produced a list of 585 zip codes where the populations are at higher risk for abortion and in most need of a focused pro-life effort. These zip codes all have relatively high minority populations and are within 5 miles of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility. The hope is that pro-life organizations can use this Targeted Zip Code List as a vital tool to save many babies and women from the violence and pain of abortion. With efforts heavily focused in these high-risk areas, limited funds can be used to provide help where it is desperately needed and to save as many lives as possible. Read full article…

Top 25 Counties Targeted Zip Code List (click on image below to view & print):

Click on image above to view & print Top 25 At-Risk Zip Code List

Ohio 2021 Abortion Report:


Total Ohio abortions in 2021: 21,813

                Black abortions in Ohio 2021: 9,446

                                Percentage of black women in Ohio: 12%

                                Percentage of abortions on black babies in Ohio 2021: 43%

                White abortions in Ohio 2021: 8,784

                Other races: 3,583

Ohio Death Statistics 2021

Ohio Deaths in 2021, How Many Deaths in Ohio 2021 | Dead or Kicking

Total Ohio deaths in 2021: 144,295

                Leading causes of death in Ohio in 2021:

                                Heart Disease: 29,276, 12% =3,513

                                Cancer: 24,642, 12% = 2,957

                                Flu and Pneumonia: 20,804, 12% =2,496

                                Stroke: 7,038, 12%=845

                                Top Four Causes of Death in Ohio 2021 total: 81,760

                                                12% of these were to black Ohioans: 9,811

                                                Black abortions in Ohio in 2021: 9,446

                                Total black deaths in Ohio 2021: 16,799

                                Black deaths make up 12% of total deaths in Ohio

Statistics show that it takes the four leading causes of death on black Ohioans to get close to the number of abortions on black babies in Ohio.

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the black community. Study: 95% of scientists say life begins at conception

Study: 95 Percent of Biologists Say Life Begins at Conception | Restoring Liberty (

Black lives matter, but not to abortionists. They profit from killing black babies. The black community should be outraged.

Cincinnati Right to Life is the founding pro-life organization in the world. We stand on the shoulders of pro-life giants, Dr. Jack Willke and his wife Barbara. We exist to end abortion, protect women, and educate. We advocate for those who have no voice.