On the day we grieve
Today is a dark day in Ohio history. Issue 1 takes effect, and the exact damage it will inflict on beautiful Ohio will unfold one day at a time, one life at a time.
In a recent Washington Examiner article by Kimberly Ross, she wrote clearly and truthfully on how our nation has arrived at a place where a state like Ohio has abortion, pre-born child dismemberment, enshrined into our state’s founding document.
One point made clear, is we must remember that while right now times are dark, the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was a major win for pro-life Americans. Ms. Ross shared, “The beauty of Dobbs is that it brought an end to the scourge of a constitutional “right” to abortion. Along with slavery, the love affair with abortion has always been one of our nation’s greatest sins.”
Nicole Russell points out in an earlier Washington Examiner article that “This was an important step and worthy of celebration, but it in no way created a nation of unabashed pro-lifers overnight. A simple reversal of bad law did not fundamentally alter approximately 50 years of the mindset that unborn babies are blobs of flesh that can be annihilated if they’re inconvenient.”
The State of Ohio fell victim on November 7 to the rabid blob-believing pro-aborts in our state that showed up at the polls at a rate higher than those that promote the dignity of the human person in the womb. We must remember that just over 25% of Ohioans that are registered to vote, checked the YES box for this diabolical law that will cost millions of precious people their lives.
Here’s the good news and our starting point.
Three fourths of registered Ohio voters DID NOT VOTE to ENSHRINE full term abortion into our Constitution. The number is in our favor as we work to transform the culture into one that truly respects life and truly understands that defending the preborn is the preeminent issue of our times. The numbers are in our favor. There is room for transformation. There is room to change the culture from one that has bought into the horror of decapitated babies as “healthcare” to one that understands life is valuable and precious. Every. Single. Life.
On November 8, Cincinnati Right to Life began working on our path forward. The path will be long and Cincinnati Right to Life is here for it. We count on you being here too. We do not have all the answers, but we have a framework of projects that allow us to begin. We have our deep faith and we have our friends.
On this day we grieve, we do know so much more is expected from us as we will not tire and we will never quit defending human dignity. May God be with us. And we hope you are too. We are counting on it. For this we pray.