National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
By participating in the National Day of Remembrance, visiting these solemn memorial places at other times of the year, and spreading the word about this prayer campaign, you are helping to humanize our aborted brothers and sisters and deepening your own commitment to ending the injustice of abortion. The National Day of Remembrance also offers hope and healing to women who have had abortions and others who have been hurt by abortion.
Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, and we face the horror-filled abortion enshrinement amendment here at home, it is crucial that we continue to mourn the millions of lives lost to abortion in Ohio and beyond. Let’s not forget, the last year we have abortion reporting numbers is from 2021. 21,813 pre-born babies were killed in Ohio that year, and almost 2,300 poor dead pre-born babies in Hamilton County alone.
Please join us at Gate of Heaven this Saturday. It is a time for all Ohioans to be dedicated to protecting women and babies from becoming a statistic in this cultural atrocity. We must do all we can to keep women and men from living with the pain and regret of abortion the rest of their lives. Our work must be wrapped in prayer and we count on each supporter to be part of the team that keeps this twisted madness out of our state while assisting one woman at a time.