Membership 2025

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
– Ronald Reagan
We begin the 2025 Cincinnati Right to Life membership drive with a sense of great RELIEF, with a fortified ENERGY, and with DETERMINED DEDICATION.
“Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone.”
– George Washington
Our RELIEF comes from knowing that prayers were answered and Americans did not elect the most pro-abortion ticket to ever run for President of our great nation. The majority of Americans voted for a president with a history of doing more for the pro-life movement than any other administration. Our nation will be led by a leader that is responsible for the overturn of Roe and is actively appointing pro-life leaders into key government roles. There is RELIEF in this as we work to educate and legislate only two and a half years into a post-Roe world.
“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.” – George Washington
Our fortified ENERGY to communicate the reality of the need for pro-woman, pro-baby, pro-family, and pro-life laws and policies in America and Ohio is critical right now. We (the entire Cincinnati Right to Life community) must stay engaged, stay involved, and stay the strong voice for the voiceless. Cincinnati Right to Life is one of the few organizations that speaks for the unborn at the Ohio Statehouse. Althought abortion has been enshrined in our state constitution, we must never allow the voices of the unborn to be silenced in our legislature. We have a fortified ENERGY to combat abortion in our state and on a national stage as well. Just two years after Roe was overturned, we now have the opportunityto truly become the land of the free. Free for all, born and unborn.

“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves” – Abraham Lincoln
With the enshrinement of abortion in Ohio’s Constitution on December 7, 2023, pre-born child slaughter in our great state is now available on demand through late in pregnancy.
It is with DETERMINED DEDICATION that we stand outside our Cincinnati abortion business, keeping watch of the true abortion numbers, as we count over 600 cars entering weekly. We witness in-state and out-of-state moms stream into the for-profit abortion business, knowing Ohio is now an abortion destination state. It is with DETERMINED DEDICATION we stand, knowing so much bloodshed and death is happening to our neighbors as they are sold the lie that abortion is healthcare. It is with DETERMINED DEDICATION weturn women away offering direction to life-serving alternatives.It is with DETERMINED DEDICATION we seek to increase our educational opportunities on the sidewalk, in the schools, in society, and towards the souls of all who need conversion.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Cincinnati Right to Life is and has been on the right side of history. We stand strong in our faith and in knowing our work is God’s will. We stand and persevere in truth, knowing it makes a difference and that lives are being served and saved. We stand knowing all people, born and unborn, deserve the same rights and protection.
Thank you for standing with us again in 2025! Together we will continue to work, pray and hope for the renewal of our culture of life.
Your membership will include access to members-only content, quarterly newsletters, and exclusive invitations. Your membership will allow Cincinnati Right to Life to remain the unwavering voice for life in Southwest Ohio and beyond.

Laura Strietmann
Executive Director