Clermont County Annual Life Chain 2023
Oct 01, 2023 2:00PM—3:00PM
Sidewalks of Rt. 125 (800 Ohio Pike) near St. Thomas More Church and the Church of Christ Withamsville.

Please make plans to join us in support of life at the annual Life Chain on Respect Life Sunday, October 1st from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Join those from Clermont County and the greater Cincinnati area on the sidewalks of Rt. 125 (800 Ohio Pike) near St. Thomas More Church and the Church of Christ Withamsville, to prayerfully witness to the sacredness of all Life from conception to natural death.
Bring your family and friends, along with chairs and umbrellas if needed. Signs will be supplied. Come early to get your sign and pick your place to stand for the sanctity of life. Water will be available, and bathrooms will be opened.