40 Days for Life Spring Kickoff Rally 2025
Mar 02, 2025 2:00PM
2422 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219

Sunday, March 2nd, 2:00 p.m.
Holy Name Church, 2422 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45219
Join us for the kickoff of our spring 40 Days for Life campaign. Fr. Jacob Willig will lead prayers. Bring your pastors, friends and family for prayer, scripture, news of expanding coverage hours, and the need for men’s groups to cover the night hours. Have your questions answered, sign up on the spot for prayer hours or register your email address to receive updates. Help us bring the love of Christ to the sidewalk and play a part in closing this abortion facility.
Park at Holy Name Church, 2422 Auburn Avenue, Cincinnati, 45219 (two blocks north of Planned Parenthood). We will begin the Kickoff at the church and process to Planned Parenthood for prayer before returning to Holy Name Church for speaker and campaign specifics. You may remain at Holy Name Church during the procession to Planned Parenthood if you wish.
For more information or to sign up for prayer hours, visit:
40 Days for Life/Cincinnati or contact Mary Clark, 513-365-2606, cincy40days@fuse.net