Happy Thanksgiving from Cincinnati Right to Life
And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through Him.
–Colossians 3:17
Cincinnati Right to Life is GRATEFUL for MANY reasons this Thanksgiving!
2024 has been a year of responding to the changing laws and challenging culture–but we have been here for it.
Lives have been saved while hearts and minds are being transformed.
Here’s a list of some of who, why, and what CRTL is grateful for in 2024.
Of course all gifts are from ABOVE, we thank the Lord daily!
There’s a gift for you at the end–ENJOY!
10. Our Mini-March for Life, the National March for Life, our wonderful Pro-life Gathering for HER in the winter, and a successful spring 5K Heartbeats for Life. Great causes, standing for LIFE, learning as a community, getting fit, celebrating joyful times with families and friends.
Please join us for these events in 2025.
9. For a busy summer of defending life that included CRTL staff and volunteers traveling to the DNC to pray and minister to women heading to the mobile abortion unit outside the convention. We also attended the June National Celebrate Life Conference where we honored the second anniversary of the overturn of Roe and attended trainings with world-class educators.
8. Our summer interns, and their grassroots activities that contributed to turning women away at Planned Parenthood and raising awareness about resource options in our community.
A new generation of young adults are getting involved in the cause of LIFE.
7. Our guest writers contributing compelling stories throughout the year for our members. Through their outstanding journalism, Lisa Murtha, Mary Hallan Fiorito, and Chuck Donovan all shared great perspectives on the battle for the culture of life.
6.For our pro-life representatives and elected officials that serve as champions for life here at home and in Washington D.C. We are grateful for all who participated in our updated endorsement process. We know that law teaches, so while we continue to change hearts and minds, we are grateful for those that work against the injustice of abortion in all areas of government.
5. The first ever 24-hour 40 Days for Life prayer coverage in Cincinnati! Mary Clark has worked for years organizing a successful 40 Days for Life campaign. This year with the help of Adam Schad, members from the Knights of Columbus, and other friends, the campaign was able to leave no hour uncovered for the 24-hours of the 40 days. INCREDIBLE!
4. The defeat of the most pro-abortion Presidential ticket to run for office. This was an election like no other. Imperfect candidates on both sides, but one ticket that repeatedly promised to advance abortion through all nine months, using tax dollars to legalize the slaughter of the unborn in all fifty states. Praise God this is not what America has become!
3. A successful Evening for Life with outstanding speakers Seth Dillon and Cate Gartner in a room full of friends and supporters that have stayed in the battle with us. We are grateful for each of you.
Our work continues because of your commitment!
2. The Created Equal van donation and our partnership with Pregnancy Center West for providing the van’s medical director. We thank ALL pregnancy centers in our community that provide continued care and concern for the women turned away from abortion as they’re entering Planned Parenthood. We of course could not be successful with the van if not for the trained sidewalk advocates-THANK YOU for standing in all weather sharing love and hope in Clifton.
The van is only successful because of your work!
1.YOU! Our volunteers, donors, prayer partners, and all who are involved in this great cause of defending life with the Cincinnati Right to Life community. We are blessed to build friendships and truly get to know one another as we serve the Lord working to protect mothers, babies, and families while changing the culture one person at a time.
Enjoy this Thanksgiving gift!
Our gift to you is limited access to our Evening for Life program talks! Updates about our sidewalk ministry and van begin near minute 31 and the presentation by Seth Dillon from the Babylon Bee begins around minute 36. This link through the weekend. ENJOY!