Feast of the Holy Innocents
Just after celebrating life we remember death in the Octave of Christmas. On this Feast of the Holy Innocents we remember the young boys aged two and under who were slaughtered by the order of Herod the Great to make sure a rival ruler would not live.
Herod would do anything in his power to make sure he maintained his place of authority after hearing of the Newborn King of the Jews from the magi.
He stopped at nothing, including the extinction of every male child that was two years of age or younger in Bethlehem and the surrounding region to assure no other king could arise.
In recounting the event, Matthew chooses an interesting prophetic passage from Jeremiah to underscore its horror. “A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more.”

When you think about the slaughter of these innocent children and the continuing slaughter of the unborn through the horrors of abortion, it becomes clear that they come from the same supreme act of selfishness. Even though Herod heard the message coming from the prophets of his own people, he had no desire to align his heart with the purposes of God.
During this horror can you imagine the weeping and wailing of the mothers in Bethlehem?
Yes, yes we can. Day after day, while we continue to advocate our lawmakers in Columbus and Washington on behalf of women, babies, and families. We also advocate on the sidewalk to women weeping as they enter the abortion facility in Cincinnati. Their tears are real. Our hearts are moved more than ever to be the voice of their unborn children. We cannot look away and pretend this slaughter is not happening in our own backyard.
Modern day Herods exist. They are the abortion industry and all lawmakers who advocate for the killing of the innocents in the womb as a “choice,” as “healthcare.” Scientists tell us life begins at the moment of conception.
Modern day Herods are also the lawmakers that DO NOTHING and consider abortion settled law, especially in Ohio.
For everyone who has fought the good fight in the pro-life trenches against the culture of death, this feast day and the souls of these innocent children have always meant a great deal. As martyrs, they remind us that, in our fallen world, there are many who will stop at nothing to maintain the status quo, even it if means the death of a child.
We look forward to 2025 and the plans the Lord is inspiring for our legacy organization. We have hope in our hearts. We have inspired ideas in our vision and planning. We have hard work before us, but have have lives to save and a culture that needs our voice. We need your prayers and support.
We thank you for your generosity that allows
our hard work to continue and thrive.