Did you see the ad? Yes, abortions up to birth are real
Did you see the new ad during the game?
Recent public polling shows Americans of all political affiliations oppose the extreme practice of late-term abortion.
- An AP-NORC poll found the majority of Americans believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester, including 65% in the second trimester and 80% in the third trimester.
- Following the leak of the draft Dobbs decision last year, a Gallup poll found 65% of Americans believe there should be limits on abortion.
- A Harvard-Harris national poll found 72% of voters would limit abortion to no later than 15 weeks, including 75% of women, 70% of Independents and 60% of rank-and-file Democrats.
o Only 10% of voters believe there should be no limits on abortion.
Issue 1 contains a major loophole: the amendment allows for late-term abortions to protect the “health” of the mother; however, “health” is not defined in the amendment. When left undefined, courts across the country have interpreted “health” to include not just a mother’s physical health, but also her mental, financial, emotional and social health, guaranteeing late-term abortions will be permitted under Issue 1 for any reason.
“The initiative’s broad language would impose no-limits abortion on Ohio,” said Megan M. Wold, former Deputy Solicitor General in the Ohio Attorney General’s Office and former law clerk to Justice Samuel A. Alito of the U.S. Supreme Court and to Judge Jeffrey Sutton of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. “The initiative demands a capacious exception for post-viability abortions: in no case may abortion be prohibited (even where a baby is viable) if a physician determines that an abortion is necessary to protect a ‘pregnant patient’s’ life or health. As a legal matter, that phrasing is extremely broad – so broad, that it amounts to permitting abortion on demand even if there is a post-viability ban in place. A court would likely decide that the word ‘health’ should mean what it meant under the Supreme Court’s Roe precedents, which includes Doe v. Bolton’s requirement that ‘health’ include a woman’s ‘emotional’ and ‘familial’ health. Whether a woman’s ‘emotional’ and ‘familial’ health is at risk is to be determined in the physician’s judgment, which also puts these decisions outside the reach of any post-viability ban. In other words, the legal effect of the initiative’s language would be to require abortion on-demand until birth.”
Are late-term abortions real? Are they really performed? Yes. And yes. With caution, view the video below.
May God have mercy on Ohio.
Sign up to pray the Novena to defeat Ohio’s Issue 1.