Devastating new national TV commercial: ‘Horror of Kamala’ vividly shows the carnage of abortion
Randall Terry says the objective of his new TV ad is ‘to defeat Kamala, and I want to blow a hole in the side of the Democrat Party, because the Democrat Party is at war with children. It is an evil institution, a fountain of malice.’
By: Doug Mainwaring, originally published October 30, 2024, Life Site News
Viewer advisory: Video contains graphic images of aborted babies
(LifeSiteNews) — The Randall Terry presidential campaign produced a Halloween-themed commercial displaying dozens of incendiary images of aborted children aimed at dissuading voters from casting their ballots for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, a strident supporter of abortion up until birth.
“She’s a baby killer,” Terry said in a recent interview. “This is an evil woman, a disgusting human being.”
“My ads say that without flinching, without equivocation,” Terry said.
The campaign’s Halloween ad, titled the “Horror of Kamala,” also urges viewers to vote against ballot measures in 10 states seeking to enshrine a “right” to abortion in state constitutions.
The ad is slated to run on national television on Halloween morning during The View and on Halloween night during CBS’s Evening News, ABC’s World News Tonight, and the Fox network’s Hell’s Kitchen.
As the commercial begins, the words “KAMALA HARRIS” morph into “KAMALA HORROR.”
Over the course of the 30-second spot, more than two dozen images of aborted children — many clearly far beyond viability outside their mothers’ wombs — are shown.
Harris is heard saying, “Telling a woman what to do with her body … ” to which a creepy demonic voice responds, “Yes. Kill the baby.”
Harris then asks, “Being forced to carry a pregnancy to term?” to which the demon voice proclaims, “We need more blood …”
“Murder is on the ballot in these 10 states,” Terry explained, as the 10 states are spelled out on the screen. “This horror is real. A vote for Kamala, or one of these amendments, is a vote for murder.”
Viewer advisory: Video contains graphic images of aborted babies
Because of the expense involved in producing and purchasing ad time on national television, the Terry campaign has announced a GiveSendGo page seeking assistance in being a voice for the unborn.
Terry is a longtime pro-life activist who in recent weeks has infuriated the broadcast world by running a pro-life commercial during ABC’s The View comparing the show’s hosts to Nazis due to their promotion of abortion.
He also ran a powerful ad vividly displaying the horrific nature of abortion during Fox’s World Series Game 4 Pregame Show and ABC World News Tonight. Those ads were aimed at torpedoing extreme state abortion ballot measures.
In an interview earlier today with WABC’s Frank Morano, Terry explained the three-fold purpose of his graphic anti-abortion ads.
1. “Defend babies. President Trump — Thank God for him! — gave us the judges to overturn Roe,” Terry said. “But as we all know, he’s backing away.”
“I’m not,” he added.
2. “I want to defeat Kamala, and I want to blow a hole in the side of the Democrat Party, because the Democrat Party is at war with children,” he said. “It is an evil institution, a fountain of malice.”
“My ads don’t say ‘vote for me.’ They say ‘don’t vote for Kamala.’ If you vote for Kamala, you have blood on your hands.
3. “I’m trying to cause a crisis of conscience for the Catholic and Black Evangelicals who still vote Democrat.”
Terry noted that his running mate, Pastor Stephen Broden, a Black man, has asserted on television that the Democratic Party is doing the work of the Klu Klux Klan, “lynching Black babies by abortion in their mother’s womb.”
“If you’re Black, and you vote for Democrats, you’re voting for Black genocide.”
“That’s devastating to the Democrat Party. Devastating.”
“I don’t want your vote,” Terry emphasized. “I want your money, so I can run TV ads.”
Editor’s note: This article is not an endorsement by LifeSiteNews for any political candidate for office.
Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children’s rights activist.