Cincinnati Right to Life’s Evening for Life Keynote Speaker Seth Dillon: A modern-day warrior for life.

Cincinnati Right to Life is honored to be hosting Seth Dillon two weeks from TODAY in Cincinnati for our annual Evening for Life. Expecting a sell-out event in support of our continued work and our strong voice for life in a post-Issue 1 Ohio, we hope you can join us for what will be an inspired evening in Sharonville.

In the last several weeks, Seth has shared his conviction for the dignity of the unborn in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and in Traverse City, Michigan.

Michigan News Source reported that Seth Dillon, “The outspoken CEO of The Babylon Bee, is proving he’s more than just the head of a satire empire; he’s a steadfast warrior for life, truth, and free speech.”

“Dillon fights with abandon to save the preborn. He said unborn babies are very clearly developing humans and dismissed efforts from some pro-choice activists to diminish life based on its developmental stage, whether it can think, feel pain or have other such experiences,” shared The Catholic Herald, the newspaper of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Cincinnati Right to Life is also honored to be hosting American Idol Hollywood finalist, Cate Gartner. A young teen mom was inspired to write music after the birth of her darling son. She was then led to try out for American Idol and was one of 50 final contests in the spring 2024 season. Cate will share her courage and music with our audience, radiating life and joy.

Friends, the Cincinnati Right to Life community and staff are working harder than ever, creating new tactics for this new season of remaining a voice for the voiceless in Ohio.

The Planned Parenthood on Auburn Avenue is a “tourist destination” with abortion-on-demand in Ohio. Hundreds of unborn lives are lost each week in Cincinnati alone.

We know. We have the Clifton sidewalk staffed with trained advocates and employees serving women, men and families, before they enter the for-profit baby butchering business. We meet abortion-determined families before they make a decision that will end the life of their babies, and the lives of generations to come.

Our staff is most often counting over one hundred cars a day entering the facility of death. Sometimes one hundred and twenty five or more cars are counted. Yes, we can cry over these deaths. We can cry for the moms and dads. We can cry for the babies.

But, conversations of truth and support are leading to turnaways each and every day. We are so very grateful for every prayer partner, every volunteer, and of course, our dedicated staff.

We need the support of our community to make sure we can keep on saving one life at a time while also strengthening our relationships with lawmakers in Columbus and Washington as we discern the best path forward in building a culture of life in Ohio. We are not moving away from this fight. We are standing firm and we are increasing our presence and voice.

Surely, abortion-on-demand for any reason is not the best Ohio can do!

Surely, women deserve better than abortion!

Join us on October 24, 2024 and be inspired in a room of like-minded friends as we commit to never backing down in protection of LIFE.