Cincinnati Right to Life honored to be hosting Dr. Carrie Gress – Please join us!
In a recent Federalist article, Dr. Gress, our keynote for the February 22 Pro-life Gathering for HER, was bold in providing direction on the the path to end abortion.
“Feminism is the ideology that pro-lifers need to focus our energy against. Until we do, feminism will just keep on fueling abortion’s engine, one precious and innocent baby at a time.”
In the article, Dr. Gress writes, “Like so many other pro-lifers, I always thought that the real enemy we were fighting was Roe vs. Wade and once it was gone, a pro-life America could be restored. A few years out from the Dobbs decision, most pro-lifers have woken up to the fact that overturning Roe wasn’t the silver bullet we had hoped for. Over the last few years, we have watched as state after state has adopted radical abortion policies, with only a few victories in the most recent November elections.
What or who, then, are pro-lifers fighting? Planned Parenthood? The sexual revolution? Like Roe, these abortion edifices are not the real enemy, but products of it. The real enemy has been hiding in plain sight for over two centuries now. It is feminism.”
Dr. Gress has been teaching and leading on the topic of authentic femininity for many years, founding Theology of Home, and co-authoring four books under the same title. It is truly a gift to have her in Cincinnati for our third annual event that offers breakfast and lunch as well as time for prayer. There will also be book sales and signings by Dr. Gress.
Carolyn Svellinger and Dr. Cristina Wise, both from the Greater Cincinnati area, will share their stories as part of the morning at St. Susanna Church in Mason. Carolyn, a wife, and a mother to six sons has written for LIVE ACTION and Word on Fire while also promoting the culture of life at home.
Dr. Wise is a devoted wife and mother to three children and a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We are truly blessed to have her join us to speak on the medical and psychological harms of abortion.